Rain in Bagmati, Koshi, and Gandaki Provinces

Published 2024 Jun 26 Wednesday

Kathmandu: Rainfall is currently occurring in several locations across Bagmati, Koshi, and Gandaki Provinces, attributed to the partial influence of monsoon winds active in the country. The weather is predominantly cloudy across the nation.

According to the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Weather Forecasting Division, significant rainfall measurements in the last 24 hours include 127.4 mm in Anarmani of Jhapa, 118.8 mm in Sundarpur of Udayapur, 111 mm in Besi Sahar of Lamjung, and 115.4 mm in Lampatan of Kaski, among others.

The weather forecast for this afternoon predicts complete cloud cover in Koshi, Madhes, Bagmati, Gandaki, and Lumbini regions, with partial to normal cloudiness elsewhere. There is a likelihood of light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning in some areas of Koshi, Madhes, Bagmati, and Gandaki Provinces, and a few areas of Lumbini, Karnali, and Sudurpaschim Provinces. Tonight, similar weather conditions are expected, with widespread rain and thunderstorm activity in these regions.
